Ahead of the EU elections, CER is putting forward to all EU policymakers its Manifesto ‘On Track for Europe’ to inspire rail-friendly policy initiatives from the first day of the new legislature. The Manifesto outlines the CER vision for well-functioning rail passenger and freight services, as well as for a high-capacity rail infrastructure, with the objective of pursuing the modal shift and modal share objectives of the EU Strategy for Smart and Sustainable Mobility and accelerating Europe’s green and digital transitions.

This event will be an opportunity to discuss proposed policy actions to foster Europe’ s sustainable connectivity for European industries and citizens. Many initiatives under the European Green Deal, as well as the more recent proposals of the Greening Freight Transport package, have created a space for a positive conversation on how to make mobility more sustainable and on what role rail should be called to play in that context. Together with stakeholders who helped contribute to our vision, we will continue this conversation further to work towards our common goals and indeed also inspire the next legislature.
Hosted by MEP Dominique Riquet and in good cooperation with the Belgian Presidency of the EU, our high-level event will gather speakers from across the EU institutions and the business environment to reflect on the pillars of the manifesto and rail’s place in future transport policy.
Join us for this timely debate in the European Parliament in Brussels on 17 April 2024 from 16:30 to 18:00. The debate will be followed by a cocktail reception.