Alstom has opened a training center in Baku. The solemn event was attended by representatives of the French Embassy in Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The opening of the center is part of Alstom’s program to support the development of the country’s railway industry.
The center, created with the participation of Azerbaijan Technical University, one of the main educational institutions for training specialists for the country’s railway industry, will provide students of technical specialties with access to unique courses lasting more than 140 hours, developed by Alstom corporate university specialists. The training program consists of three stages, at the first stage, students will take an online course, which will familiarize them with modern concepts in the field of construction and operation of railways. This will be followed by a face-to-face course on railway systems, their operation and maintenance. At the third stage, students will take a course in communication skills and the development of critical thinking. It is planned that specialists invited from French railway companies will teach at the center. The first group of 20 people. will start training in October 2022.
Alstom’s management believes that the private sector should work with academic institutions to close the gap between the knowledge gained and the demands of the labor market.
Alstom has been present in Azerbaijan since 2008, with 30 employees working directly in Baku. Alstom has delivered 50 electric locomotives for Azerbaijan Railways and three metro trains for the Baku Metro (photo: Alstom).