Webuild and joint-venture partner Shibh Al Jazira Contracting Company (Sajco) have signed a €1.4bn contract to design and build 57km of a high-speed railway serving the futuristic commercial and residential region of Neom on Saudi Arabia’s northern Red Sea coast.
The joint venture will build most of the “Connector”, a railway linking Oxagon, Neom’s center for advanced and clean industries, with The Line, the kingdom’s concept for a linear city contained in a multi-storey structure 170km long, 500m high, and 200m wide.
The JV agreement is split 70/30 between Webuild and Sajco. They will carry out civil works for two high-speed and two freight railway tracks. The high-speed railway will carry trains running at speeds of up to 230km/h.
The contract includes building viaducts and underpasses.
Webuild said the railway project would create around 4,000 direct and indirect jobs.