Construction of Lot 3 of Caransebes-Timişoara-Arad railway • Webuild consortium to upgrade, widen 14 kilometres of railway• Lot 3 part of one of most important railways in Romania• Part of project to connect cross-country railway to Rhine-Danube TEN-T Corridor• Contract to create 600 jobs, direct and indirect MILAN, November 7, […]
Kenya’s transport minister has made public documents about a massive Kenyan railway project signed with China after years of secrecy. The $3bn (£2.6bn) Chinese-funded and operated railway line is Kenya’s biggest infrastructure project since independence in 1963. Its viability has been repeatedly questioned since it was launched. The line runs between […]
The Tanzania Railway Corporation – TRC is continuing with the land acquisition exercise in order to pass the electricity line for the construction of the Modern Railway – SGR project, the second section Morogoro – Makutupora, which was held in Kilosa district in Morogoro region in October, 2022. The exercise […]
2nd African Rail Digital Congress hosted by UIC and SNCFT, as African Union of Railways (AUR), in Tunis on 17-20 October 2022, united about 100 participants representing railway networks from different countries of the continent. After the 1st congress in Cape Town in 2019, UIC organized the event to exchange […]
The Tanzania Railway Corporation is continuing with the exercise to sensitize the people about the acquisition of land to allow the construction of the Modern Railway – SGR project, the second section Morogoro – Makutupora, which is being held in Kilosa District, Morogoro Region, as soon as October, 2022. The […]
The Tanzania Railways – TRC has participated in the 11th conference and exhibition of Railway Organizations in the SADC Zone (SARA RAIL conference and Exhibition 2022) which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from the 26th to the 28th of October, 2022. This year’s conference and exhibition have a message […]
“Labour should also be aware that all presidential contenders are in support of unbundling of the Nigerian railways. Whoever wins 2023 presidential race will surely push for the passage of the National Transport Commission bill”- African Railway Roundtable
Development of railway transport, the future shape of the TEN-T network and energy prices. These were the main topics of an informal meeting of the Council of Ministers for Transport in Prague. The heads of the ministries also discussed how to make railway transport more attractive and reliable. “The strengthening […]
As Finland will be the first digital rail project on a public 5G network, they won’t be able to look to other European projects for guidance.
Railway Industry Association chief executive Darren Caplan said there was “a real concern that this delay will lead to a hiatus in work, hitting confidence and certainty in what are already difficult economic circumstances”.