Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 19 Issue: 66 By: Vali Kaleji The Russo-Ukrainian war, the extensive sanctions against Russia that the West adopted in response, and the growing possibility that European border states will block east-west transit routes traversing Russian territory into Europe, including the so-called Northern Corridor of China’s Belt […]

Casablanca, 9 May 2022 – Africa50, the pan-African infrastructure investment platform, is pleased to announce the appointment of Jon-Pierre Fourie as Senior Director, Strategy and Investors Relations. His appointment takes effect from 9 May 2022.   Jon-Pierre Fourie, a South African national joins Africa50 with over 21 years of industry experience. […]

The Nigerian Federal Ministry of Transportation in collaboration with National Chamber Policy Centre and her partner, African Railway Consulting Limited, is to host a global railway conference between August 11th and 12th, 2022 at the Abuja Trade and Convention Centre. The conference (RailAfta) which has as theme: ” Powering African […]

An explosive device damaged a railway bridge Sunday in the Kursk region of Russia, which borders Ukraine, and a criminal investigation has been started. The region’s government reported the blast in a post on Telegram. Recent weeks have seen a number of fires and explosions in Russian regions near the […]

The country’s ongoing railway modernisation project has the potential to catalyse the economy and requires the federal government to fast-track its completion with safety guarantees, James Emejo writes There is no doubt that the railway system remains the fulcrum of economic development and prosperity of any economy. Its ability to […]